Our New Ambassadors
Introducing three, brilliant plein air artists as Brand Ambassadors:
Sarah Burns
Sarah Burns is a US artist who, over the last several years, has settled into a new homeland: Scotland. She is incredibly talented in both transparent watercolors and gouache (opaque watercolors.) Her work is stunning and she is now one full year into a multi-year project, trekking around the coastline of Scotland and capturing the trip in her own vibrant style. Portable Painter® is a go-to solution for her work, in conditions that can often be challenging. She frequently uses both the original Classic palette and the Micro. She documents her journey in Youtube videos and blog posts that are visually exciting, with drone footage, speed-painting and personal observations. She has a large following of avid artists. We will be posting regularly on her progress and her work. Come and join us for a refreshing visit to the beautiful landscape of Scotland. You can almost taste the sea air in Sarah’s engaging videos.

Andy Walker
Andy Walker is an artist, blogger, and online art teacher from England, who has lived in Spain since 2009. He writes for the Leisure Painter magazine in the UK and has been a tutor on painting holidays in England, Spain and Portugal. He loves the experience and the challenge of painting en plein air, as well as working in the comfort of his studio. He specializes in watercolours, gouache and oils; intent on capturing the beauty of the landscape and the light. He uses the Portable Painter Classic and the Micro almost exclusively when out sketching. He has also developed a series of easels and pochade boxes for his own personal use and for sale.
More recently Andy has designed a simple, DIY accessory for the Classic that allows it to be used effortlessly in one hand with a sketchpad. We think it’s genius! Andy documents it in the video shown here and blog posts. We will soon make available drawings of the board on our website along with dimensions, so that you can easily create your own.
We will be following Andy and posting regularly on his work throughout the coming year.

Sandy McDermott
Sandy: Artist and Explorer of the Natural World
Sandy is a U.S.-based artist whose work is deeply interlaced with nature. Specializing in field sketching and watercolors, she captures the beauty and complexity of flora and fauna directly from the environment. For the past four years, she has immersed herself in Alaska’s untamed landscapes, using her field journal and sketching tools to document its unique light, towering summits, vast tundra, and intricate ecosystems. This exploration of Alaska’s awe-inspiring yet imposing wilderness will culminate in her first art book.
Looking ahead, Sandy is embarking on a new multi-year project following North America's migratory bird flyways. This journey will involve learning, observing, and creating art based on the birds she encounters and their migratory behavior, with plans to weave her experiences into both art and written reflections.
A trusted companion in her creative process is the Portable Painter palette, both the Classic and Micro versions, which Sandy has relied on for many years. Whether she's sketching local habitats, traveling in her van, or exploring wild terrains by foot, bike, or skis, the Portable Painter palette remains a constant, even as her pigment choices evolve.
Sandy's talents go beyond field sketching; she has also built an impressive body of fine art inspired by the sketches in her journals. You can explore her collection and ongoing projects through her website.
Follow Sandy on social media to stay connected to her journey, where she shares field sketching tips, insights from her adventures, and information about her programs. For exclusive updates, including monthly journal pages and essays, subscribe to her newsletter and join her as she continues to explore Alaska and beyond with a sketchbook in hand.